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Hey! Hola!

My name is Julieta, I am from Argentina.

I am a zoologist from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

For the last few years I have been working as a data scientist, both in research and private companies.

I love to play Dungeons and Dragons and videogames, walk, watch movies and sew my own clothes. My dream is to live somewhere near a lake surrounded by mountains where I can go read. I am a passionate team winter and preffer salty over sweet food.

Some stuff I like

  • Learning new things and implementing them! - The more practical the better. I love to play around with new topics (like practicing how to make a github page, implementing model tracking with Mlflow or learning AWS Cloud architecture).
  • Nature tech - Using technology to solve real and urgent problems, like climate change and biodiversity loss.
  • Open science - I am very concerned about the current state of the academic system and how knowledge is being built, and I think we need to make a deep shift to make it work. I believe open knowledge is the way to do this. Even though I know the steps and details to get there are not clear, I want to work towards building a better system where science is really a way to create knowledge for all of us.

Some stuff that I’m proud of

  • Being part of the csv,conf organization - Since 2022 I’ve been a part of the organising team and I’ve helped with v7, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and v8, in Puebla, México. It’s hard work but sooo worth it.
  • Being the Open Knowledge Network Latin American Hub Coordinator - Recently I started a new temporal role as Regional Coordinator for the Latinamerican Hub of the OKFN as a part of a prototype project that tries to decentralize the community and make sure each region can focus on the issues they’re facing and speaking their own language.
  • Leading a team during the 2023 UN Datathon - We worked in a very cool project we called “Monitoring Land Use in Biodiversity Hotspots Affected by Forest Loss”. You can find part of the work here.

Full CV


Open Knowledge Network Latin American Hub Coordinator

Open Knowledge Foundation. April 2024 - ongoing.

The Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) is the world’s ultimate reference in open digital infrastructures and the hub of the open movement.


  • As a Regional Coordinator I get in contact with local communities, organisations and people interested in open knowledge to learn about the way they work and interact, and to understand their specific needs and interests to tailor the Network’s actions in the region
  • I am currently mapping the state of open knowledge in Latinamerica

You can read more about this Prototype Programme here.

Collaborator at Proyecto Polen

MetaDocencia. November 2023 - ongoing.

MetaDocencia’s mission is to build scientific and technical capacities in a responsable way and with a local focus through the co-creation of networks, learning spaces and accessible resources to spanish-speaking communities.

Proyecto Polen seeks to increase community participation and to recognise those who contribute in the growth of the community.



  • Crowdin

Ssr. Data Scientist

Aeropuertos Argentina. October 2023 - ongoing.

I participate in, and lead, multiple projects at several argentinean airports like product categorisation, price increase alerts, sales predictions and bird control projects.


  • I do data extraction, processing and analysis
  • Data modeling
  • Machine learning models
  • I work collaboratively with stakeholders to define business needs and propose solutions, present results and iterate over processes


  • Python, various libraries
  • SQL
  • Azure databricks
  • Synapse
  • Pyspark
  • Optuna
  • Mlflow

Ssr. Data Scientist

Analytics Town. October 2022 - September 2023.

Analytics Town is a consulting agency where I worked fully for NaranjaX, an argentinean fintech, focused on projects like sales and payment predictions, sales rejections and more.


  • I worked collaboratively with stakeholders to define business needs and propose solutions, present results and iterate over processes. Performed data extraction, processing and analysis. Data and machine learning modeling.


  • Python, various libraries
  • SQL
  • Azure databricks
  • AWS EC2, Sagemaker and S3
  • Pyspark
  • Optuna
  • Jira
  • GitLab

Data Scientist/Analyst

Proyecto ARPHAI. December 2021 - September 2022.

Argentinean Public Research on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Epidemic Prevention. Public project funded the International Development Research Center (Canada) and Swedish Onternational Development Cooperation Agency.


  • I analysed data from electronic clinical records from the public health system in Argentina
  • I performed tests with epidemiological computational models for COVID and dengue


  • Python
  • SQL
  • SEIR models
  • GitLab

Teaching Experience

Data Science Teaching Assistant

Digital House. August 2022 - February 2023.

I asissted and taught classes at an intensive data science course.

Pharmacology Teaching Assistant

Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad de Buenos Aires. August 2018 - September 2022.

As a part of my PhD program, I asissted and taught classes at an the university.

Animal Histology and Embriology Teaching Assistant

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. August 2012 - February 2017.

As a bachelor student, I asissted in classes at my university.

Volunteer Projects

csv,conf organiser

csv,conf. June 2022 - ongoing.

The csv,conf is an international and independent community conference about data sharing and open source.

I led the teams in charge of venue and catering organisation for the last two versions of the conference in Buenos Aires (Argentina, 2023) and Puebla (México, 2024). I participated in multiple tasks from translations to presentation evaluation and general coordination.

Team Leader - UN Datathon 2023

Festival de datos, UN. Noveber 2023.

I led the group where we developed a project named “Monitoring Land Use in Biodiversity Hotspots Affected by Forest Loss” during 3 days of hard work.

AI for Good Engineer - Forest Health

FruitPunch AI. June 2022 - August 2022.

I worked with geospatial data (Sentinel 1/2 images, obtained with Sentinel Hub and preprocessed with QGIS; and drone images) to train deep learning algorithms to segment and classify the images to find flooded areas.

AI for Good Engineer - Coral Reefs

FruitPunch AI. October 2021 - December 2021.

I developed pipelines for the use of pretrained convolutional neural networks to classify organisms present in pictures of the oceanic floor, in order to facilitate the work of researchers in coral reef and biodiversity conservation.


PhD in neuroscience (unfinished)

Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad de Buenos Aires. September 2017 - November 2023.

I did my PhD research about the molecular mechanisms of learning and memory in mice. Droped out of the program after 6 years.

Peer reviewed publications (ORCID)

  • Oxytocin-Cholinergic Central Interaction: Implications for Non-Social Memory Formation. Neuroscience, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2022.06.028
  • Role of prediction error and the cholinergic system on memory reconsolidation processes in mice. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.nlm.2021.107534
  • Critical role of hippocampal muscarinic acetylcholine receptors on memory reconsolidation in mice. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.nlm.2020.107360
  • Relevance of ERK1/2 Post-retrieval Participation on Memory Processes: Insights in Their Particular Role on Reconsolidation and Persistence of Memories. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 2019. DOI: 10.3389/fnmol.2019.00095
  • APP/Go protein Gβγ-complex signaling mediates Aβ degeneration and cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease models. Neurobiology of Aging, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2017.12.013

Bachelor in biology, oriented in zoology

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. 2010 - 2017.

Short Course Certifications

Neuromatch Academy - Deep Learning. 2021

Three week intensive course on deep learning applied to neuroscience by Neuromatch Academy.

Climatematch Academy. 2023

Three week intensive course on computational tools for climate science by Neuromatch Academy.

NASA Open Science. 2024

Online course about Open Science by NASA.

AWS Cloud Quest: Cloud Practitioner. 2024

AWS Academy Graduate - AWS Academy Cloud Foundations. 2024

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